Windows8 Installation process :
System Requirement: 
                                 1. Minimum 1 GHZ processor
                                 2. 1Gb Ram for 32 bit and 2gb for 64 bit
                                 3. Graphics card : microsoft direct x9 device with WDDM driver
                                 4. Hard disk : 16 gb for 32 bit and 20 gb for 64 bit
Bios set up:              
Boot from DVD :  At first make your 1st boot device as  CD- DVD Rom and 2nd boot device as Hard disk.

Installation Process :  

1st step: Place win8 DVD in your DVD rom drive and restart pc.
2nd step : You will see that Boot from DVD .....................Then press "ENTER KEY "
3rd step : The next screen allows you to set up your language , time and country format, keyboard or input method. Then choose your required settings and click next to continue.
4th step: The next screen allows you to install or repair Windows 8. Now we are doing a clean install.
Then click " Install Now" .
5th step : The set up process will start as  soon.
6th step : At this step you have to type your product key that came with your copy of windows 8. click next
once and entered the product key correctly .
7th step : You will see read licence terms. Accept all terms and conditions and then click next  to continue.
8th step: Choose the type of  installation you want .
9th step : You will see two options. UPGRADE and CUSTOM. Type CUSTOM .
10th step: Choose where you want to install windows 8 . Click next to continue.
11th step: If you have more than 1 hard drive or partition then you need  to select the drive where you want to install win8 like C, D or E.
12 th step : windows set up will then begin to install win8 to the hard drive.
13th step: once complete , then it will reboot and setup the computers devices and finalize the installation.
14th step: select your preffered colour for metro and then  NAME your computer. Click next to proceed.
15th step: You will see two options . Use express settings  or customize. Choose customize.
16 th step: Next step asks you if you wish to SIGN into your pc .
17th step: Installation is now complete. Enjoy exploring new features in  windows 8.

If you have any problem then please comment.


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